Thursday, February 22, 2007

Some School Stuff

This is some Stuff Ive done for my Editorial class. In this class our teacher would give us a topic and we were supposed to create fictional covers for these topics.
I actually had a real hard time with this class, because it started about the time I moved out of my appartment, at the same time my new computer wouldnt run smoothly and I had no internet access, which in my humble opinion is neccessary to pass this class.
However with a lot of determenation and hard work I was able to get all that stuff done on time.

The cool thing for me was I was able to experiment with digital colouring programs and with different inking styles. I also liked that I had to draw, normal people without lots of muscles and angry looking faces.

I couldnt upload some of the other pictures...but as soon as I have fixed that problem Ill upload them.


Unknown said...

That's pretty cool man! Are you using Illustrator or Photoshop on those?

SedatOezgen said...

Hey savon, thanks dude! id did the whole linework the traditional way (pencil and ink) and then applied the colours with ps. It actually was the first time i worked with digital colouring, and i have to say it was an cool experience. only sad thing is that Iam partially colourblinded, which makes it really hard to work with colours...but hey greytones are really nice too :)
thanks for stoopin by.