Monday, May 18, 2009

Yes I can!

No, dont worry, this isnt going to be another stupid way of using a Barack Obama picture to sell comics or something like that.
What I mean, when I say Yes I can, is that it finally happened! On May 12th of 2009 my first back up story got published for a american comic book publisher. Moonstone Books finally published my artwork, and I have to admit its a great feeling to know that it finally happened. When I read the email by my Publisher, Joe Gentile, I almost started crying out of happyness. I ran up the stairs and hugged and kissed my mother!

The Story is pubished in Captain Action#4, and its only 6 Pages. It tells the story of a Character, called Lai Wan, a person who is able to read peoples thoughts just by touching them.

Joe liked my artwork a lot and Ive just started working on my next project, which is going to be a series called "Bald Eagle". I was told that if everything works out well, Ill be soon working on something bigger!
I hope that all this will finally lead to something bigger! Jim Lee, Im coming :-)!

Since the book has been published I think it will be ok to post the pages here.

If youre interested to buy the book, then either ask your Comic shop for Captain Action#4 by Moonstone books, or buy the book at or here .

All the best,


Unknown said...

Looks great Sedat..It's great to hear that you got published too!! Now I gotta go find that book!

Mateusz Maslon said...

Hey Sedat!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu deiner ersten Veröffentlichung!Freut mich
für Dich!Die Sachen sehen schon ziemlich cool aus,weiter so!Muß
mir das Heft schnappen und es mir mal ausgedruckt anschauen :)
Ach so, die Conan skizze find ich auch ganz cool ,muß aber leider auch den beiden kommentatoren in ihrer Kritik zustimmen.
Und zum schluß noch etwas,Du hast mir vor 100 jahren in der FH eine Conan skizze versprochen,ich werde es nicht vergessen bei Crom!!!
Weiterhin alles gute und viel Erfolg.Gruß, Mateusz

Tristan Vick said...

Those are some great pages. Really truly. Especially the second one down where the dude is standing in front of those ancient relics. The detail is great. Keep up the AMAZING work!!

Alexander Schmalz said...

hut ab sedat, weiter so!