Page 1
the only reason why the 1st panel is empty is, that there is supposed to be a text. Since ive done such a terrible job on the lettering I will show you the artwork only.
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Page 8
This is a unused version of Page 8. Ive been planing on doing all the other pages this way, but sadly my Illustration teacher thought, that it wasnt appropiate.
After almost 8months of waiting Ive met my Illustartion teacher again and talked with him about a project, that I did in june06 for a collaboration between our and a South Korean artschool. The topic of the projects our schools worked on were european and asian Fairy tales.
At the beginning I was very sceptical about this project, and didnt want to work on it, after 2 months or so I finally decided to work on the project too (for some reasons that I rather not mention here)...Im not sure if these pages will be published or not, but it sure was some good training.
Ive searched the web up and down for a good and interesting european fairy tale. after some time Ive found; "Where King Arthur sleeps" a walisian fairy tale, about a boy who leaves his home and meets a man who leads him to a cave in which King arthur and his army sleep in . The story was kind of interesting and I thought it would be a cool possibility to finally ink some of my own stuff.
Since it had taken me so long to finally get on the project, ther was not much time left to work on the story, the layouts and the final pages. Another problem was, that I had to get this very long story into 8 Pages, which was really an artistic challenge for me.
However, after Ive started working on these pages I really enjoyed illustrating them, even though I had to rush the artwork.
No matter what, Im still very proud of these Pages and hope that my next project for my illustration class this semester will be better. I hope you all enjoy.
Sedat :)
Hey, I really like your use of blacks and cross hatching. Have you done any professional comic work?
I am also an aspiring comic book artist. Check out my
or email me at if you want to chat.
what did he think was inappropriate about it?
The trashed page 8 is a better composition than the redone one
I like the original page 8 better too. There are better camera angels, a bit more depth with the perspective of the guards, and the crown of Arthur looks hella'lot more cool.
Either way these pages came out really nicely. Whenever you put in 'ethnic' or 'period pieces' you always put in the maximum amount of details in clothing and it gives your art a very well researched and realistic feel.
To me that's really part of the professionalism I see in your art each time. Keep it up! Good work.
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